Legal notice
Access provider: Immobiliare Valprino
Owner: Lorenzo Trincheri und Barbara Meyer
Authorised to represent: Lorenzo Trincheri
Fon: 0039-0183-280140
Fax: 0039-0183-281898
Cell: 0039-335-5233170 or 0039-338-4459764
email: info[at]
Registered: Camera di Commercio
Number: 955
Partita IVA: 01455180081
Codice Fiscale: TRN LNZ 70E02 E290B
Responsible for content § 6 MDStV: Lorenzo Trincheri
Responsible for web design: F.ATOLL/Ulli Mittelstädt, ulli.mittelstaedt[at],
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While we make every effort to ensure that content on this website is current and accurate, Immobiliare Valprino cannot be held responsible for any mistakes or omissions. We may change the content at any time without notice.
You may not reproduce any part of this website without permission.
This site may contain links to external websites which may ask you for personal information. Immobiliare Valprino is not responsible for the content or privacy policies of these websites.
Property misdescriptions
The accuracy of any description, dimensions, references to condition, necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details contained herein is not guaranteed and is for general guidance only and prospective purchasers or tenants must not rely on them as statements of fact or representations and must satisfy themselves as to their accuracy.